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Piston Seal Compact 50 x 34 x 31.1 Hallite 780

Ada 0 Ulasan

Berat : 50 Gram

Stok 50 SET

Rumah Seal Chat Penjual.
Seller status : Verified

Rp 75,000

Piston seal double acting .
piston seal in a robust five part assembly is designed specifically for one piece pistons in a wide range of medium duty applications. The seal is also suitable for two piece pistons.
Pressure : 400 Bar
Temp Range : -40'C s/d 100'C
Speed : 0.5m/s
+ Keranjang
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Piston Seal 40 x 30 x 18.4/6.35 Hallite 780

Rumah Seal

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Jln. Daan Mogot KM. 19 (Depan Poris Ampera) Ruko Smart Market Block A-5.
Tangerang, Kota Tangerang, Banten